Washington, DC license
In order to work as a general contractor in Washington, DC, you must register your business in the district. Even if your business is registered in another state, you must register it in DC. Working without a business license can lead to fines and penalties, you can even be required to pay taxes from previous years.
There is no licensing exam in DC. You must complete an application and submit some documents, such as your business registration, insurance certificate, and others. In addition, you must pay a fee of
$654.50. The General Contractor’s license allows you to work for 2 years in commercial and residential projects. You will also need the seller's license for residential projects. The requirements include a copy of your criminal record along with a $154,50 fee.
Those are the two licenses you must obtain to work as General Contractor in DC. If you company id foreign in DC, you must request some documents in the state where the company is incorporated and pay additional fees.
We can help you to obtain the Contractor’s License in DC. Call us today: 571-332-0083