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Do you know someone that may benefit from our English lessons?
Please help us spread the word of our classes.

We have developed 3 different programs to help students learn English:

  1. Learning on YouTube: Aprendiendo Inglés para la Construcción a series of 30-Minutes videos on Youtube where students can learn construction terms in English.

  2. Conversational English: We meet every Saturday live per Zoom to practice English pronunciation.  We have 4 groups to better fit our students’ needs:  basic (2), intermediate, and advanced.

  3. Facebook Live: Every Monday in collaboration with El Poder de Ser Mujer, a non-profit organization in the Metro DC area with teach English through their Facebook live platform to viewers across the US, Latin America and Spain.  We started in January 2022 with the basics of English for construction, but now we are teaching English for everyone through our new program called I learn English.

See below our YouTube videos:
Conversational English
Duration: 4 Hours
Schedule: Saturdays
Via Zoom

Learning English for daily written communications

(571) 332-0083 -   edith@latinasinconstruction.net
1050 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500. Washington DC 20036
Designed by InTown Connection
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